142 Pink Floored

Pink Floored
Blocker, Bracer, Jammer, Pivot
Current Team
The R.I.P. Tides

What MRD team do you play on?

RIP Tides

League job held?


What I do off-skates?

By day I am a Linux administrator and systems engineer and previously developed appliances for the Department of Defense. My hobbies include tinkering and building stuff, photography, camping, and hiking, and I’m currently learning to play the guitar.

Favorite post-practice snack?

anything with chocolate

Most Likely to ___________.

foul out of a bout ?

What is your sports/skating background?

Soccer and before that ice hockey. I started skating on inlines after not having been on skates for over 20 years. When I found out we have an active league here after I relocated to Westbrook I immediately joined Derby Skate Club to learn how to skate on quads.

If you had your own theme song, what would it be?

“Time” by Pink Floyd

Favorite Quotes

“There is no us and them; there is only us.” –Roger Waters

“Mankind’s greatest achievements have come about by talking, and its greatest failures by not talking. It doesn’t have to be like this. Our greatest hopes could become reality in the future. With the technology at our disposal, the possibilities are unbounded. All we need to do is make sure we keep talking.” –Stephen Hawking

Anything else?

Aka: ask yourself a question and then answer it here. Or anything you want the fans to know!
Whenever I learn anything new I try to help others build those skills as well.

The Ship WreckersThe R.I.P. Tides