31 Velocity Raptor

Velocity Raptor
Blocker, Jammer, Pivot
Current Team
MRD All-Stars, The Ship Wreckers

What MRD teams do you play on?

Ship Wreckers, Port Authorities


What derby positions do you play? (Or your favorite?)

Jammer, Pivot, Blocker (All the things!)


League jobs held?

Community Calendar Coordinator


Favorite Derby Accomplishments / Proudest Moment?

MVJ 4 Leaf Clobber March 2017, MVB MRD home team bout Sept 2018


What I do off-skates?

Job: Scientist
Hobbies: disc golf, softball, biking, soccer, running, fundraising for good causes, discovering new breweries


Favorite post-practice snack?

Great Lost Bear Buffalo Fries (with bacon!)


My derby name was almost ________.

Tiger Bomb


If you had your own theme song, what would it be?

The Jurassic Park Theme


Anything else?

Without our fans you we wouldn’t be able to play this amazing sport; so I just want to say a huge THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart for all your love and support!!

The Ship WreckersThe R.I.P. Tides